Once upon a time, lack of choice was the main criterion for finding wedding ring, the requirements for them were extremely simple: two of the same design, different sizes, ideally gold. Our contemporaries and their chosen ones have to try pretty hard to find in the infinity of proposals a pair of rings that will suit both parties.
Lifehack: the tendency to wear different wedding rings came to us from cheerful Hollywood, it was there that celebrity brides defended the right to wear those rings that they like, and not those made by overseas jewelers in sets. Ladies, use it! Grooms, do not be offended, the point is not really in the rings, but in the fact that both are good.
However, no one takes away the right to choose wedding rings in the same style, our modernity does not put forward any strict standards regarding the wearing of such jewelry. Moreover, there are plenty of options in jewelry stores, out of billions (no less!) Of wedding rings on the shelves of salons, pawnshops, auction offers, there will certainly be that cherished pair that both spouses will wear with equal pleasure.
How to choose?

Aside from the huge assortment and dizzying offers, the first thing to remember when shopping for engagement rings is that you are now wearing them every day. This means that the decoration should be comfortable first of all.
It is also worth remembering that an engagement ring should not go beyond your own style: some people prefer suits and cufflinks, and in this case, it is a good idea to correlate the design of the ring with the existing wardrobe and its prospects for the near future. It is much easier for women in this matter, if the car does not fit the purse, the car changes, everything is very simple.
The size
Be sure to remember that in the evening your fingers may swell a little, and take this into account when choosing a size – you should not purchase a ring that fits back to back, you must take into account literally half a millimeter of the inner circumference for a free fit.
The same rule applies to men – the popular explanation “lost your wedding ring” does not at all mean unwillingness to wear jewelry. Weight changes, high daily activity, and the same swelling by the end of the day can be a bad joke on your spouse. Loss of a ring can be difficult to notice.

Jewelry is a complex topic for calculating the cost. It seems, at first glance, everything is simple: add up the price per gram of precious metal, stone (if available) – and approximately you can already navigate what part of the wedding budget can be spent on wedding rings.
In fact, it turns out that there are no suitable sizes, and the production of the necessary ones does not fit the schedule. There is also a markup for the brand, custom-made production and other randomly arising parameters that affect the cost of rings only upward. Women love Cartier, but …
To everyone who has such an amount for a ring of average presentability, but is invisible to the budget from a respected brand – our congratulations. And we will face reality of a different order.
What to do when you want to wear a beautiful, stylish ring all your life, perhaps with a good quality stone, but not spend only on one hundred thousand rubles?
Take a look at the pawnshop. Yes, this is not a joke. There are at least three weighty objections to all objections that someone wore a ring before you, and signs will certainly work against you:
- In many families, wedding rings are passed from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. And the highest approval of the choice of a son is considered to be the transfer of a family heirloom from his parents to the future daughter-in-law. And this is a great honor for a potential spouse.
- The purchase of a wedding ring that once belonged to a famous person or the purchase of an antique at an auction is considered a huge success – for such an opportunity, future husbands arrange unthinkable financial battles.
- Without exception, every ring that has already been in use, regardless of the popularity of the former owner, always undergoes an examination without fail, and then undergoes cleaning and/or restoration (if necessary).
- Do you believe in energy fields and karma? You will be reassured by the thought that ultrasound, polishing, and restoration of a presentable look will definitely remove all the possible energy of the past owner.
Type and color of metal – how and with what to wear
The wedding is noisy, emotions are again in balance with daily worries, and here’s the bad luck: is it enough to wear both rings – engagement and engagement, or is one wedding enough? This choice is individual and does not obey any explicit or tacit regulations.
The question is solved only from a practical standpoint: if there is a delicate stone on the engagement ring that does not tolerate homework, it would be wiser to put it in a box and wear it on holidays. Diamonds, sapphires and other durable stones (9-10 on the Mohs scale) can not be removed, their safety is guaranteed by nature itself.
If you are confused by the number of rings on one finger, you should not worry: one of the trends in jewelry fashion is to wear several pieces of jewelry of different colors at once, and even with different stones, of a different style, purpose.

Traditionally, a wedding ring has a simpler shape than an engagement ring, but this does not mean at all that there cannot be precious stones on a wedding jewelry. Modern jewelry design offers several options for inlay, including on the side of the ring.
Fans of simplicity are also offered many beautiful, stylish solutions for wedding rings – without stones or with their minimal presence.
This option offers no less variety than the previous one: from narrow, barely noticeable on the hand to massive, bizarre forms of options. Where to stop the choice is a more physiological aspect, since different lengths of fingers, the shape of the hand can dictate their own rules. For example, on long, thin fingers, any rings will look good, and with an average length of the hand, massive specimens will have to be excluded.
In the selection process, the question of the width of the wedding ring will be asked in each new store and it is worth knowing that there is a general classification for this parameter. It is easy to remember, the increase occurs in even numbers.
If you decide that the acquaintance with their characteristics is over at the width of the wedding ring, you have not prepared well for family life – you always need to wait for a catch. If not, you have gained experience. There is still a catch – so you are ready for it! Ready?
With the profiles of wedding rings, everything is very complicated. First, there are many of them. Flat, round, ¾, ½ and a few more. Secondly, not everyone is right for you. But for this case, jewelers have come up with one profile that fits optimally comfortably on a finger of any shape and thickness. This profile is called Comfort Fit or otherwise – Fitting rings. They are very convenient for daily wear, do not rub or cut into the skin if your hands suddenly become swollen.
Another article on this blog that might interests you:
Wedding Ring: On the finger of which hand they wear?
The history of the best engagement rings.